I'm a computer scientist living in Copenhagen, Denmark. I used to be a reseacher at the Technical University of Denmark, and earlier at Heriot-Watt University and DIKU (University of Copenhagen, Denmark). These days I work a GitHub, helping maintain the CodeQL program analysis engine.
I used to be about the last person on earth not to have a blog, but now even I have one.
See my separate publications page.
See my separate software page.
In 1996 I wrote a musical adaptation of Sophocles' Antigone. It was performed by Den Ny Scene, directed by myself. There used to be a web page about the production, but it is currently off-line. However, the script is online (pdf).
+45 29 61 12 24 (mobil)
Henning Makholm
Damhus Boulevard 1 I tv
2610 Rĝdove
See also the publications and software lists.
Born on August the 13th, 1973 in Copenhagen.
National of Denmark.
I like going barefoot. Yes, my feet sometimes get cold, but it's better than wearing shoes. When it's freezing I sometimes give in and wear boots for long walks.
I am one of the few people who still use the word "homepage" to refer to the page that one sets one's browser to display at startup, rather than the page where one presents oneself to others. The page you are reading now is not my homepage. This is.
My Erdös number is known to be at most 4, witnessed by the following path:
Before I discovered that path, I had my Erdös number bounded by 5, using the paths:
And before even that I had a bound of 6, using the paths:
Thanks to the Erdös Number Project for providing the beginning of each path.
He writes a lot on Usenet (as do I), and does a variety of open-source stuff. He also studies computer science at DIKU. We're not actively hiding that we're brothers, but occasionally people seem to get confused. This paragraph should count as an explicit declaration of brotherhood.
Has no web presence of his own. Has posted in a few dk.* newsgroups, at my explicit insistence.
Not identical to the Jesper Makholm Byskov who is a computer scientist in Aarhus, and who at some point called himself only "Jesper Makholm" for twisty legal reasons having to do with letting his wife take Makholm as a middle name. I suppose we are related to the latter Jesper in some way but not close enough that I've been able to dig up how.
They have no personal web pages either.